Question #1: What are the suggested foods following a juice cleanse? a.) raw vegetables b.) raw & cooked vegetables c.) vegetables & fruit d.) green lemonade (a la Natalia Rose.) Question #2: What did Danielle have for breakfast following
her juice cleanse?

None of the above :(. I know I'm
supposed to be especially kind to my system as I transition from the cleanse back to my healthy eating routine but a, b, c, and d weren't appetizing to me this morning. My tummy was growling for the first time in three days and I could only think of one thing that I wanted...
PB & Banana Oats. So, I didn't resist, and had one of the most amazing breakfasts
ever. Delicious.
After completing Natalie Rose's
Raw Food Detox Diet book
I am going to find a way to incorporate greens into a smaller breakfast, but as for today, I decided to make my other two meals raw-er instead. I didn't have a chance to throw a lunch together this morning so I bought a 'just made'
Summer Salad from one of my favorite British NYC spots,
Pret a Manger ("ready to eat" in French). I discovered one of these wonderful take-away restaurants a few years ago and have been dying to go back ever since my visit to an original location in
London. Today's blend: mixed greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, half an avocado, and a few shavings of parmesan cheese. Deciding to have a salad was so simple after the amount of
green juice I've been drinking!

I drizzled it with Balsamic Vinaigrette and eat it up in all it's nutritious goodness. Pure deliciousness in Bryant Park :). I had the
Apple Pie Larabar for dessert a few hours later at my desk. How's the internship going? Spectacular! I honestly still can't believe I'm working with the nutrition department at

I was busy and productive all day and by the time 5 o'clock rolled around I had finished my first project... impressing my boss and reminding me that I was living
a dream come true :). Positively wonderful, I had such a great day! I ate an entire grapefruit around 4ish yet was still quite ravenous when I got home, a perfect occasion for another
large salad! My dinner was both simple and quick,

consisting of baby leafy greens, tomatoes, and onion topped with the juice of half a lemon with a baked
sweet potato on the side. I was completely satisfied by the end of the meal but far from stuffed. Eating high-raw has a way of doing that :) I love it.

I ate in the company of this pretty bouquet my mom received recently. Taking the picture reminded me of my blog friend,
Angela, and look! She's even in the background on my computer screen :). Flowers really do have a way of brightening up my day, that natural sparkle that they bring to a table is truly divine. What are your favorite kinds?

In other news, another pleasant surprise arrived at my door step this afternoon! The generous people from
POM sent me free samples of their 100% Pomegranate juice products. I absolutely adore pomegranates but haven't had the pleasure of eating them in way too long. They're incredible for you too, so full of antioxidants it's insane!
I will most definitely be drinking up soon! In the mean time, what I'm going to be drinking may not all be that healthy... tomorrow is my 21st birthday after all. I'll try to post on that fabulous day of May 29th but if I don't get around to it, rest assured that I having the time of my life! Enjoy my senior picture and Varsity field hockey photo ;) I sincerely hope that your Friday is as celebratory as mine, 'cause let's face it, each and every one of us has a reason to thankful. ¡Que te vayas muy bien!
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