Good evening, darlings! Worry not, I haven't suddenly gone pessimistic on you :) but this "feast" has gotten harder. Not physically, oh no, I still feel quite spectacular without even so much as a pang of hunger, but mentally, what a mental challenge it was. Truth is, I want to eat!

With my last glass of almond milk (which I must admit weirds me out at this point, I'm just not the fan I thought I was) I have, at this point, officially finished my cleanse. But honoring my body does not end there; I would like to focus on raw vegetables and fresh fruits forever. I look forward to eating
whole, natural foods tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that. And I don't think I'd be able to completely appreciate that fact three days ago.
Natalia Rose calls fasting "a natural phenomenon" in her book,
The Raw Food Detox Diet, it's "invigorating and transforming - both physically and psychologically." I went on a juice fast because I had a desire to, and I'm so very pleased that I did. I highly doubt that I'll ever be able to call myself a
raw foodist, but I aspire to lead a similar lifestyle, enjoying those same foods that nourish my body to it's fullest.
I haven't quite yet formulated my menu for tomorrow but I'm excited. And oh how I cannot wait to dine at
Citrus Bar & Grill on Saturday! Their
Citrus Chopped Salad and
Roasted Portabello Mushroom & Asparagus Maki sound like the perfect belated birthday dinner. Then there's Friday's lunch (my actual birthday) with my boss at
Modelinia... what scrumptious dish will I eat then?

Looking at food from a nutritional standpoint does not have to take the fun out of it! And who better to understand that then my
other boss, Sara Wells, she's a Nutrition Editor. Announcement time! My second internship (drum roll, please) is with the
nutrition department at
Fitness! I'm still struggling with reverse culture shock but I have so much to smile about. And to think, just one year ago, I was terrified about who I'd become... thank you
Ecuador, thank you
Chile, and thank you
France. See you tomorrow bloggies :).
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