As for me, I've eaten really delicious food.
Desayuno, de el viernes - el domingo
Cena, Restaurante 89, el viernes... salad, salmon with spinach and spiced mashed potato.
Cena, El Fugón, el sabado... pan amasado, vegetable consommé, fettucine with a creamy vegetable sauce.
El almuerzo, Fuegovivo, el domingo... garlic chips and bread with butter or eggplant olive oil!, mediterranean salad (baked eggplant, mixed greens, tomato). A real entreé salad!
El cena, un asado, el domingo... steak rounds, mixed salads, fruit and ice cream (dessert). Yum, I love helado artesanal!

I went hiking in Huerquehue National Park.

I drove through the Southern Chilean countryside.

I saw Lake Villaricca.

I've relaxed in the hot springs.
And I climbed a 2,847-meter-high volcano, one of the ten most active in the world, with best friends and a trusty ice-pick.

I had an incredible weekend in Pucón :) and now I'm looking forward and catching up with my blogging friends that I've missed so much! Hope you all enjoyed your weekend and are ready for another week! Back to reality...
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