Welcome back, everyone! If you were in the states, I hope you had a fabulous time celebrating America's Independence Day! I wish I could say that I had an equally as thrilling time in Ecuador, but unfortunately I found myself dreadfully sick on July 4th. I could not keep any food down :( And sadly, this seems to have been a trend among some of my favorite bloggers; I hope you all are feeling better! In addition to feeling quite under the weather, I also found myself suddenly home-sick. Being patriotic alone just isn't the same, I guess. No worries though, I'm starting to feel better already, and considering the way I was feeling it actually turned out to be a pretty good weekend...
I spent the majority of my sick day at the library working on a project for class. I had been drinking water all day, and then finally at 4:30, I started to get sleepy. To my surprise, a Cappucino actually sounded appetizing so I ordered just that.
Later that night, my friends that were staying around for the night invited me out to dinner. It was around 8 or 9 and I was feeling better than I had all day, so I took some medicine and headed out.
I had a slight appetite so I ordered a Mexican Vegetarian burrito and drank it with a Corona. Yep, us patriotic Americans went for Mexican, lol, but what can you do? It was actually quite good although I couldn't finish all of it. I did, however, drink all of the beer. I don't know why, but it felt settling on my stomach. Afterwards, we went to the river to let off fireworks. I wasn't my usual self but it was still fun and quite the funny sight since all the passerbys had no idea what the occasion was!
The next day, I slept in and was feeling a lot better so my host family took me to Giros. It was gorgeous and this is just one of the waterfalls that we hiked up to see.
After many photo-ops. we crept back down the mountain to a small restaurant by the river. They had fresh trout so that's exactly what we all got, a complete fresh trout! It was actually delicious and filled me up very nicely. I had a few bites of the potatoes and that was all for me. I think my stomach was still adjusting at the time because looking back, I probably could have been fine almost cleaning my plate.
I was exhausted when we got back so I got in a quick nap before heading to my "cousin's" grad party. I was happy to find they served an actual dinner, but once again, I could hardly make a dent. Oh well, I needed to listen to my body and for some reason food just wasn't the answer. I can attest that what I did eat was quite tasty though.
Once it ended, we all headed out to a dance club. I still wasn't feeling quite right so I only could manage a few sips of the drink I'm pictured with but I managed to enjoy myself. Everyone was dancing up a storm!
Sunday was laid back. I did some reading, rested more, didn't eat much... until dinner time. By 7 p.m. I was finally starting to feel better! The family and I went to a pizzeria where I got the Pizza Vegetariano. It wasn't as big as it looks, I promise! Still, if my stomach weren't so empty I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to finish it like I did. Being hungry for real food was such a blessing.
That night I went to Supermaxi (grocery store) with my sister to pick up a few things for the week. I was all out of my green tea so I re-stocked with an Ecuadorian brand. I had a tea bag with today's breakfast and I can only say good things. Now back to working on my final project. Our last day of classes is Thursday so I have a lot to prepare for. Wish me luck! I'm wishing you a wonderful week ahead. Happy Monday!
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