As usual though, breakfast was always delicious, I mean, it is my favorite meal of the day! The past few mornings I've had tons of fresh fruit and a mix of granola & cereal with walnuts and strawberries in yogurt (yesterday) or milk (this morning). Yum! I didn't eat the eggs or toast in this picture. After a great start like that I've been crazy busy the past two days. The group and I have done a ton of sightseeing throughout the city.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Hello from Quito, Ecuador! I was so excited to find that I have wireless internet in my room and now I finally have the time to post! Okay so... everything has been absolutely amazing so far. I mean, really, there is no other way to describe it. This is what I've been waking up to:
See what I'm talking about? The views are breathtakingly beautiful! Food has been much less exciting since yesterdays meals were basically confined to a plane and today I've had to be careful as my stomach adjusts. On the bright side I made sure that my last American meal was worth it! I woke up famished way before the others so I made a Toasted Peanut Butter & Jelly. Classic and scrumptious! Great thing I ate too because breakfast plane food was anything but. Thankfully I had a delicious Cinnamon Roll Larabar to keep my hunger at bay. The meals following that one weren't too interesting.

As usual though, breakfast was always delicious, I mean, it is my favorite meal of the day! The past few mornings I've had tons of fresh fruit and a mix of granola & cereal with walnuts and strawberries in yogurt (yesterday) or milk (this morning). Yum! I didn't eat the eggs or toast in this picture. After a great start like that I've been crazy busy the past two days. The group and I have done a ton of sightseeing throughout the city.
Yesterday we went to a beautiful basilica and climbed up a combination of stairs and ladders to reach the top tower. Totally worth it though since we got to look over the entire city of Quito. During these excursions I've been packing Larabars, but at this point I'm all out. So sad! They served me well though and held me over last night before we went out to dinner at a restaurant across the street from the hotel, Hunter's.
Unfortunately it specializes in BBQ so I was pretty much confined to fish. I ordered Steamed Sea Bass... it was pretty disappointing. Ah well, can't win 'em all the time! Following our outing I just came back and worked on a Spanish placement test with 5 of my new friends. It was actually pretty fun because we were all a tad bit delirious from being tired so everything was entertaining. Nonetheless I got to bed at a reasonable hour and slept wonderfully until 7:15 this morning. We went upstairs for breakfast again and then went to la midad del mundo a.k.a. the equator, the line dividing the northern and southern hemisphere. I had a good time walking around and looking in the shops and even got my passport stamped as proof that I was there!
Plus lunch was amazing! It was only $3 for the meal of the day- an Empanada, Locra de Papa (potato soup) , and a special mix of "corn", salads, potatoes, and beans. The original dish was steak but the restaurant made an exception for me and boy was I glad. Everything tasted incredible! Now I'm back at the hotel, all packed up again and off to Cuenca. It's a 45 minute plane ride and I'm going to go straight to meet my host family. So exciting, wish me luck!)
As usual though, breakfast was always delicious, I mean, it is my favorite meal of the day! The past few mornings I've had tons of fresh fruit and a mix of granola & cereal with walnuts and strawberries in yogurt (yesterday) or milk (this morning). Yum! I didn't eat the eggs or toast in this picture. After a great start like that I've been crazy busy the past two days. The group and I have done a ton of sightseeing throughout the city.
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