Wednesday, December 28, 2011

the kiss of nye

Last night, I saw New Year's Eve with my little sister. It was a good (not great) romantic comedy, as expected, and refreshingly not quite as predictable as I'd assumed. Quite a light, feel good film, too. My sister and I literally skipped our way out of the theater... holding hands, no less. I'd like to think the crowd behind us was inspired by our awesomeness. Yesiree.

Anyway, let's talk New Year's Eve in real life as opposed to on the silver screen--it's a good time. And in the midst of figuring out plans, making resolutions, finding the right outfit, and secretly hoping that there'll be a kiss at midnight or any other magical occurrence that suggests the coming year is going to be better than the last, it's also a time of pressure.

Try not to let it get to you. 

Don't let Real Simple convince you of the overwhelming number of bad habits you have to break this new year. Don't let Women's Health lead you to believe you weren't as slim, calm, and sexy as you should've been this past year. But, just this once, perhaps you ought to open yourself up to what Glamour has to share:
It's been reported that for the first time, the number one New Year's resolution for more than half of American resolution-makers is to spend more time with family and friends. This beat the usual top resolutions of exercising more, weight loss and smoking cessation, which fell into the number two, three and four spots for 2012. 
The blogger who noted these findings, further explained her opinion on our re-prioritized commitment to our relationships. She acknowledged that it might have to do with the poor economy, but that it is hopefully also a more meaningful shift. "For a culture that often gets a bad rap for being self-centered and entitled (an accusation directed most often at us young adults), finally we're turning the focus away from ourselves and onto the important people in our lives."
I believe I've experienced a similar revelation of sorts. This is the first New Year's Eve I'll be celebrating alongside my family since 2004-2005. I'm excited. Sure, I love the fact that we'll be at the beach, but I also didn't mind turning down invitations with friends. I know I'll spend ample amount of time them with in 2012. On the other hand, as a high school junior, I remember being annoyed I had to go on that one and only family ski trip to rural New England, making it impossible to stop by friend's party and kiss my then-boyfriend at midnight. 

The plans for this year's celebration: Ring in the New Year with my wonderful family in CancĂșn, Mexico, and reunite with all those great friends soon after. It doesn't get much better than that.

What's more is that this really has been quite the year. I look forward to reviewing it in the next few days, and then beginning anew on January 1st. Why? Because "[I am] young enough to believe that anything is possible, and [I am] old enough to make that belief a reality." The quote is from this RELEVANT Magazine article, by the way. As the writer explains the 11 Things to Know at 25(ish), she advises this:
Don't get stuck. Move, travel, take a class, take a risk. There is a season for wildness and a season for settledness, and this is neither. This season is about becoming. Don't lose yourself at happy hour, but don't lose yourself on the corporate ladder either. Stop every once in a while and go out to coffee or climb in bed with your journal.
Everyone has advice to offer this time of year, but I found those words to be especially helpful. They take the pressure off and remind us how important it is to be in the moment, take care of ourselves, and appreciate life.
In 2010, I resolved to do these ten things. In 2011, I strove to live fearlessly and reflected on the healthiest resolution of them all. This year, I don't have a resolution. I do have an personal intention for today, tomorrow, and every single day in 2012 though: Make today that someday

It's going to be a Happy New Year.
This post was inspired by the 6 Weeks of Bliss Challenge.


  1. Danielle, this article is absolutely beautiful. I really enjoyed reading it.

  2. i loved every single sentence in this. it is such a gem, and so are you. xo

  3. I love you! Thanks for putting a huge smile on my face & a warm glow in my heart.

  4. That quote was absolutely what everyone needs to post on their bathroom mirror! I know I am! I know you're going to have a great year!

  5. And a very happy new year to you wise woman!

  6. me and my sister are always doing this kind of strange but fun stuff. I think the strangers who give us weird looks are really just jealous of our ridiculously fun lives.

    happy new year, danielle, and I hope you are having an amazing time with your family!

  7. Allison: Thank you, sweetheart. I'm so happy to hear that.

    Mackenzie: :) You're pretty great yourself! Thank you.

    irleygirl: And I love you: Thank you for always being such a positive light in my life.

    Melissa @ TryingtoHeal: I agree! So glad it is just as powerful for you.

    Gillian: Thanks, darling!

    lookthroughmyspecs: Of course they are! And thank you so, so much.


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