Sunday, December 9, 2012


It's hard to think of my life as "charmed" while trudging through four ~20 page final papers. But then I spent an afternoon celebrating Baby's First Christmas with fellow grad students that've become friends, and, in many ways, my expat family. And from there, I recalled how only a few weeks ago I was introducing my mom and sister to my life here in Paris. "Charmed" my life may not be, but it is certainly blessed.
We slept in on the last day {just catching up? day 1, 2a, 2b, 3a, 4b/5a, 5b}. And just before I wished them bon voyage on their flight home, we took a trip up to Sacré-Coeur in Montmartre. I hadn't been in years...
Now, I'm off to wrap up the second, third, and fourth of said final papers, in addition to polishing two final presentations. I intend to make the most of my last few days in Paris (before heading home for the holidays), too. Oh, and did I mention I'm going to Prague next weekend? Phew! It's going to be quite the week :).


  1. I love this part of the city. It's a little frustrating getting through all of the tourist traps to get there, but once you arrive- well you know the view.

    Thanks for linking back to my blog! It was so much fun to have you there! :-)

    I actually haven't taken David to the Sacre Coeur (although we're tried three times and failed miserably!) or the Loure. Can you believe it- four months in the City of Lights and we haven't checked those two things off of our list. Well, wish us luck I guess. :-)

    1. Yes, it was frustrating for me, too! But worth it :) enjoy it when you go! Best of luck.

  2. I live in Prague! If you need any recommendations let me know!

  3. I live in Prague! If you need any recommendations let me know :)

    1. Thank you! I left a comment on your blog :) any recommendations would be appreciated. I want to have the most authentic experience possible in 2.5 days; my standard weekend getaway goal ;)


Penny for your thoughts...