Tuesday, February 12, 2013

jardin majorelle

Parisian winters are dreary. In general, days are cold and skies are grey; it's often raining, too. Real snow (the kind that covers cities in blankets of white), on the other hand, is rare... even if I've somehow managed to experience it twice. In other words, I totally appreciated my weekend of warm, shining sun in Marrakech. Anna, Leslie, and I made the most of it with a visit to the Jardin Majorelle.
This natural oasis in the midst of the new town would have felt like a secret garden had there not been other tourists there. Extending over more than an acre of land, it's--in a word--gorgeous. Apparently it took Jacques Majorelle, a French painter with a love for Morocco, over 40 years to completely create.
In the 1980's, French designer Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé purchased the garden and restored it. They also converted the painter's studio into a museum with their personal collections of Berber artifacts. Today, there's a separate entrance fee to the museum and cameras aren't allowed. It's worth seeing anyway.
Before leaving, we also stopped at their terrace cafĂ©: mint tea for Anna and I, avocado smoothie for Leslie.  I couldn't have imagined a more enchanting last sight. We flew back to Paris a few hours later. 
Speaking of, though I strongly dislike airports, I l-o-v-e-d the one in Marrakech. Beautiful, isn't it?


  1. I love reading your posts but they also make me so jealous!! I would love to live in Paris:) xo

    1. Aw, sorry! Looking at your blog does make me long for California though :) xo

  2. sometimes i just have to sit back and marvel over your life. i love how you do some of the most daring and majestic things so casually :) it suits you so well, lovely lady. xo


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