Monday, August 11, 2008

in a relationship...

Question. Is it odd to start dating someone half-way across the world? Of course. But as of last night it's not unheard of. Rather than wait until I got back to the states the boy and I have decided to make it official. Might as well! Just kidding, it's funny though, while fellow bloggers are getting married, I'm excited because a very special guy just asked me to be his girlfriend. Ha, needless to say I've been feeling quite happy since then so please excuse the optimism ;) I'm in an unnaturally good mood.
Sunday lunch was Pastel de Choclo and to be honest, it wasn't that impressive. Eh. It's basically a Corn and Chicken casserole made with milk, basil, onion, bell peppers, carrot, bay leaves, chicken breast, and parsley. There wasn't a whole lot of meat in it but it definitely had a chicken flavor about it, and being a vegetarian that didn't do it for me. I really didn't eat much. Ah well, you can't win 'em all!
I spent my afternoon exploring and enjoying the new gym. Oh my gosh, it's amazing. The facilities are great and I basically want to take every single class they offer. Too bad I have to go to academic classes sometimes ;). The one I'm most looking forward to is Body Balance, a genius combination of yoga, pilates, and tai-chi. I love it there, it's definitely going to become my new home away from home! I digress... so dinner. Nothing too special, just a rice mix with green beans and corn, and a salad of tomatoes and celery. For whatever reason though it tasted absolutely extra special, yum yum yum.
Neither waking up late nor even the miserable, hazy weather could of brought me down this morning. It did make my breakfast boring though, peanut butter toast and a banana, both eaten as I ran to the metro to make my first class of the day, EspaƱol. The class went really well and I got home just in time for a fresh bowl of Lentil soup, my absolute favorite. Soon I'm going to run to art supply store with a friend to pick up supplies for tomorrow. Tuesday is really coming together, huh? Body Balance, Drawing the Human Form, I can hardly wait! Before then though I have to get my Environmental Policy class out of the way, which should be another good one that I'm also looking forward to. Be back soon my dears, hope your week started off well!

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